DIAKH, Ltd., perform activity at Slovak and Czech market since 2002, before this
under its name MODIKO Ltd. (after 2000)
DIA KH Ltd is engaged with diamond tools design according customers request.
DIAKH produce diamond & CBN grinding heads, segments and discs for bigger power
DIAKH produce diamond cutting blades of range 300-1800mm
DIAKH produce diamond segmented core drills from range 8-650mm
more of diatools we supply from well-kown producers like:
D.S. (IT),
Abrasivos Aguila (ES),
and several Asia suppliers.
Since 2008 DIAKH is selling small machines from PETER GALESKI WERKZEUGE (DE) in Slovakia & Czech republic DIAKH provide exclusively warranty and after warranty service of it
Here is orign web pages of MODIKO company. |